=================== Version Information =================== .. role:: raw-latex(raw) :format: latex .. .. raw:: latex \maketitle Version 3 --------- 3.x : Written in Fortran77 and developed at Stevens Institute of Technology by Dr. Marc Mansfield and coworkers, this version can be downloaded at https://web.stevens.edu/zeno Version 4 --------- 4.0 : Takes version 3 and ports it to Fortran 2008 Version 5 --------- 5.0.x : Implemented from scratch in C++, makes use of k-d trees and implements parallelism to improve performance as documented in Ref. :cite:`Juba2016` 5.1.x : Replaces the k-d trees with axis-aligned bounding box data structure and includes the ability to read voxels in addition to spheres as input 5.2.x : Core functionality (that is, not involving input/output) was moved into a shared library 5.3.x : Adds support for trajectory input