
The code is run using:

./zeno [OPTIONS]

For example, the command to run ZENO for 1e6 random walks and 1e5 interior samples on an object described in the file obj.bod with the results being written to the file out.csv is:

./zeno -i obj.bod --num-walks=1000000 --num-interior-samples=100000 --csv-output-file out.csv

Command-line options may also be stored in a config file. The example above could also have been run by creating a file config.cfg containing

input-file = obj.bod
num-walks = 1000000
num-interior-samples = 100000
csv-output-file = out.csv

and running

./zeno -c config.cfg

If an option given in a config file is also given on the command line, the command-line value overrides the config-file value.

Detailed descriptions of all options are below.

Required command-line options

Input file

The input or .bod file must contain a list of geometric primitives that define the shape of the object. See Defining the object(s) for details on the content of this file. Note that it can also contain optional quantities as specified in Optional inputs. The input file is specified via the command-line argument

-i <input file name>

Exterior calculation

Either the number of exterior walks, the maximum relative standard deviation of the capacitance, or the maximum relative standard deviation of the mean electric polarizability must be specified. If one of the relative standard deviations are specified, then the calculation will continue performing walks until the relative standard deviation is less than the specified value. One of the following options is required for running the exterior calculation.

--num-walks=<number of walks>

--max-rsd-capacitance=<maximum relative standard deviation of capacitance>

--max-rsd-polarizability=<maximum relative standard deviation of mean electric polarizability>

Interior calculation

Either the number of interior samples or the maximum relative standard deviation of the volume must be specified. If the relative standard deviation is specified, then the calculation will continue performing walks until the relative standard deviation is less than the specified value. One of the following options is required for running the interior calculation.

--num-interior-samples=<number of interior samples>

--max-rsd-volume=<maximum relative standard deviation of volume>

Description of command-line options



Print help and exit



Print version and exit



Config file name



Input file name


Write output in CSV format to the specified file in addition to displaying the regular output


Number of exterior walks to perform


Number of interior samples to take


Perform exterior walks until the relative standard deviation of the capacitance drops below this value. Relative standard deviation is defined as


Perform exterior walks until the relative standard deviation of the mean electric polarizability drops below this value. Relative standard deviation is defined as (Standard Deviation/Mean) \(\times\) 100%


Take interior samples until the relative standard deviation of the volume drops below this value. Relative standard deviation is defined as


Minimum number of exterior walks to perform when using max-relative standard deviation stopping conditions


Minimum number of interior samples to take when using max-relative standard deviation stopping conditions


Max time (in seconds) that the program is allowed to run. If this time is reached, the computation will be stopped and the results computed so far will be displayed


Number of threads to use (default=Number of logical cores)


Seed for the random number generator (default=Randomly set)


Name of file for writing the surface points from exterior calculation


Name of file for writing the interior sample points


Print statistics related to counts of hit points


Print detailed RAM and timing information